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\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=#1, every node/.style={scale=#1}]
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(1,1.71) node[left,magenta]{A} --
(2,0) node[above,magenta]{D} -- cycle;
\draw (2,0) --
(3,1.71) node[right,magenta]{B} --
(1,1.71) -- cycle;
\draw (3,1.71) -- (4,0) node[right,magenta]{E} -- (2,0) -- cycle;
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\draw[blue] (4,0) -- (4.25,-0.425) -- (3.75,-0.425) -- cycle;
\draw[thick,red,->] (2,0) -- (2,-0.75);
\draw [thick, blue,->] (0,0) -- (0.5,0.5);
\draw [thick, blue,->] (4,0) -- (3.5,0.5);
\draw [thick, magenta,<->] (0.4,0.684) -- (0.6,1.026);
\draw [thick, magenta,<->] (3.4,1.026) -- (3.6,0.684);
\draw [thick, magenta,<->] (1.8,1.71) -- (2.2,1.71);
\draw [thick, magenta,->] (1.6,0.684) -- (1.5,0.855);
\draw [thick, magenta,<-] (1.5,0.855) -- (1.4,1.026);
\draw [thick, magenta,->] (2.4,0.684) -- (2.5,0.855);
\draw [thick, magenta,<-] (2.5,0.855) -- (2.6,1.026);
\draw [thick, blue,->] (0,0) -- (0.5,0.5);
\draw [thick, magenta,->] (0,0) -- (0.4,0.684);
\draw [thick, magenta,->] (0,0) -- (0.5,0);
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\node[left] at (1.5,0.866) {\(x_3\)};
\node[right] at (2.5,0.866) {\(x_4\)};
\node[right] at (3.5,0.866) {\(x_5\)};
\node[below] at (1,0) {\(x_6\)};
\node[below] at (3,0) {\(x_7\)};
\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb N}
\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q}
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}
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Chapter 4 Polynomial and Rational Functions (PR)
How do we model polynomial or rational change?
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to...
Graph quadratic functions and identify their axis of symmetry, and maximum or minimum point.
Use quadratic models to solve an application problem and establish conclusions.
Determine the zeros and their multiplicities of a polynomial in factored form. Describe and graph the behavior of a polynomial function at the intercepts and the ends.
Rewrite a rational function as a polynomial plus a proper rational function.
Determine the zeros of a polynomial function with real coefficients.
Find the domain and range, vertical and horizontal asymptotes, and intercepts of a rational function and use this information to sketch the graph.
Readiness Assurance. Before beginning this chapter, you should be able to...
Evaluate functions from an equation.
Find the intercepts of a line.
Find the intercepts of a graph of a function.
Find the degree and leading coefficient of a polynomial.
Determine if a graph is a polynomial function.
Determine where a function is increasing and decreasing.
Find the equation of a line given two points.
Factor quadratics and polynomials.
Perform long division of two whole numbers.
Solve quadratic equations with complex roots.
Simplify rational expressions.